Population Support for ISIL in Iraq

December 2016 No Comments

Question (QL3): What does primary source opinion research tell us about population support for ISIL in ISIL-held Iraq and globally outside the Combined Joint Operation Area (CJOA) (Syria and Iraq)? Author | Editor: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). Opinion polls conducted by independent outfits in 2015 and 2016 derive the same result: the vast majority of […]

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Demystifying the Gray Zone: Libya, 2014‐Present

November 2016 No Comments

Demystifying Gray Zone Conflict: A Typology of Conflict Dyads and Instruments of Power in Libya, 2014‐Present. Author | Editor: Gabriel, R. & Johns, M. (University of Maryland, START). This case study is intended to highlight the dynamics of Gray Zone conflict in Libya since 2014. It places specific emphasis on the roles of non‐state actors […]

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Scientific Methods for Countering Extremism (2015 Edition)

September 2015 No Comments

Countering Violent Extremism: Scientific Methods and Strategies (2015 Edition) Author | Editor: Fenstermacher, L. (Air Force Research Laboratory) [Note: 2011 edition available here] Why are we reissuing the paper collection, “Countering Violent Extremism: Scientific Methods and Strategies”? The answer is simple. Five years later, violent extremism is still an issue. In September 2014, President Obama […]

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Holistic Engagement Activities Ranking Tool (HEART)

March 2015 No Comments

Holistic Engagement Activities Ranking Tool (HEART) — A Multi-criteria decision tool to assist in planning and tracking steady state security assistance and engagement activities. Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc). More than ever, United States Government (USG) activities are planned and implemented in an atmosphere of shrinking budgets, high expectations and intense scrutiny at […]

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Stability Modeling (StaM) Analysis of Nigeria

March 2015 No Comments

Stability Model Users’ Guide: Incorporating StaM Analysis of Nigeria for Illustration. Author | Editor: Bragg, B., Brickman, D., Desjardins, A., Popp, G. & Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc). Over the past decade the United States Government has recognized the importance of obtaining a rich contextual understanding of the operating environment, specifically focusing on the human […]

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Countering Violent Extremism: Scientific Methods & Strategies (2011 Edition)

September 2011 No Comments

Countering Violent Extremism: Scientific Methods & Strategies (2011 Edition) Author | Editor: Fenstermacher, L. & Leventhal, T. (Air Force Research Laboratory). [Note: There is a revised edition, released in 2015.) If there were a simple solution for countering violent extremism, a solution would have been found centuries ago. Countering violent extremism successfully requires a balanced […]

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Counter and Delegitimize Violent Extremism

May 2010 No Comments

Defining a Strategic Campaign for Working with Partners to Counter and Delegitimize Violent Extremism Workshop. Author | Editor: Arana, A., Baker, T. & Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). Dr. Hriar Cabayan, OSD, welcomed the participants on behalf of the Department of Defense (DoD), the State Department (DoS), and the RAND Corporation to the Defining a Strategic […]

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Perspectives on Political and Social Regional Stability Impacted by Global Crises – A Social Science Context

January 2010 No Comments

Perspectives on Political and Social Regional Stability Impacted by Global Crises – A Social Science Context. Author | Editor: Cabayan, H. (Joint Staff), Sotirin, B. et al. (USACE-HQ, CERD). Cooperative security, stability operations and irregular warfare missions require a better understanding of the complex operational environment, notably through rich contextual understanding of the factors affecting […]

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Subjective Decision Analysis: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, …

October 2009 No Comments

Subjective Decision Analysis Final Report: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia & Syria. Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A., Canna, S., Chapman, A., Hartman, A., & Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc). The SMA Strategic Deterrence effort is a methodological study to evaluate the appropriateness and utility of modeling and wargaming to support the analytic requirements of […]

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