Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) of Strategic Outcomes in the Korean Peninsula- Part 1: Key Findings

November 2018 No Comments

Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) of Strategic Outcomes in the Korean Peninsula- Part 1: Key Findings Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc.) Top-Level Findings This paper reports a number of the top-level findings from the Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) Strategic Outcomes in the Korean Peninsula project requested by the Joint Staff J39 and USINDOPACOM. They […]

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Western Pacific Regional Dynamics & North Korean Nuclear Status

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Authors | Editors: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc.); Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc.) Executive Summary Given the current distribution of actor interests, capabilities and resolve (I-R-C), North Korean denuclearization is highly unlikely without significant change in regional interests and conditions. Under current conditions: Neither economic incentives nor threats change the DPRK view of denuclearization –an outcome it […]

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Comparative Analysis of Kim Family Political Discourse

November 2018 No Comments

Comparative Analysis of Kim Family Political Discourse Authors | Editors: Aviles, W. (NSI, Inc.); Kuznar, L. (NSI, Inc.) Executive Summary This study was conducted to address three guiding questions: 1. How does DPRK define its key national interests/regional objectives in Northeast Asia and the Western Pacific? What are seen to be the major threats to […]

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Getting Messages Through: The Cognition of Influence with North Korea and East Asia (Speaker Session)

November 2018 No Comments

“Getting Messages Through: The Cognition of Influence with North Korea and East Asia” Speaker: Wright, N. (Georgetown University / Intelligent Biology) Date: 2 November 2018 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Nicholas Wright (Intelligent Biology / Georgetown University) as a part of its SMA INDOPACOM Speaker Series. Dr. Wright began […]

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How Artificial Intelligence Will Reshape the Global Order

November 2018 No Comments

“How Artificial Intelligence Will Reshape the Global Order” Speaker: Wright, N. (Georgetown University / Intelligent Biology) Date: 1 November 2018 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Nicholas Wright (Intelligent Biology / Georgetown University) as a part of its SMA General Speaker Series. Dr. Wright first stated that artificial intelligence (AI) […]

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The Salafi Jihadi Threat to the US from Afghanistan

October 2018 No Comments

“The Salafi Jihadi Threat to the US from Afghanistan” Speaker: Kaltenthaler, K. (University of Akron) Date: 31 October 2018 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Karl Kaltenthaler (University of Akron) as a part of its SMA CENTCOM (Afghanistan) Speaker Series. Dr. Kaltenthaler first outlined his key observations from studying various […]

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SMA Space Panel Discussion: Outer Space; Earthly Escalation? Chinese Perspectives on Space Operations and Escalation

October 2018 No Comments

“SMA Space Panel Discussion: Outer Space; Earthly Escalation? Chinese Perspectives on Space Operations and Escalation” Speakers: Cheng, D. (Heritage Foundation); Garretson, P. (US Air Force); Goswami, N. (Independent Analyst); MacDonald, B. (Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies); Weeden, B. (Secure World Foundation); Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology / Georgetown University) Date: 30 October 2018 […]

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Necessary Conditions For Achieving FFVD Without Militarized Conflict – A Korea Strategic Outcomes Virtual Think Tank Report

October 2018 No Comments

[Q3] Under what regional and domestic political, economic, and social conditions would it be possible to achieve final, fully verified denuclearization (FFVD) of the DPRK without resorting to militarized conflict (i.e., what conditions would have had to occur to make that possible)? Authors | Editors: Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.); Yager, M. (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response […]

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Conditions Conducive to Enforcing a Non-Proliferation Regime in the Asia Pacific Region – A Korea Strategic Outcomes Virtual Think Tank Report

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[Q4] Under what regional and domestic political, economic, and social conditions would it be possible to reinforce a non-proliferation regime in the region including extra-regional sales? What conditions would have had to occur to make that possible? Author | Editor: Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response This report summarizes the input of eighteen insightful responses […]

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Achieving a Stable Regional Order in the Asia Pacific: What Does the US Need and What Should It Not Negotiate Away – A Korea Strategic Outcomes Virtual Think Tank Report

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[Q6] What are the minimum regional and domestic political, economic, and social conditions that are essential for achieving a stable regional order in alignment with US and ally interests? Are there any factors that are sufficient to generate such stability in the region? That is, what should not be negotiated away? Authors | Editors: Bragg, […]

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