Strategic Implications of PRC’s Base in Djibouti

October 2017 No Comments

Question (R5.6): What are the strategic implications of the People’s Republic of China (PRC’s) new base in Djibouti? What will be the effect on the Iran-PRC relationship? Author | Editor: S. Canna (NSI, Inc,). Executive Summary Background There are a number of legitimate reasons that account for China’s decision to break with decades of tradition […]

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Multi-Step Approach Closing DoD’s Cognitive Capability Gap

October 2017 No Comments

A Cognitive Capabilities Agenda: A Multi-Step Approach for Closing DoD’s Cognitive Capability Gap. Author | Editor: A. Astorino-Courtois (NSI, Inc,). Executive Summary The Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA) team conducted a year-long project for USSOCOM on the growing prevalence of Competition Short of Armed Conflict (CSAC), or use of “Gray Zone” tactics by US adversaries. Key […]

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Influence in an Age of Rising Connectedness

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Influence in an Age of Rising Connectedness. Author | Editor: W. Aviles & S. Canna (NSI, Inc.). Executive Summary A strong argument can be made that we are moving toward a pluralized, multipolar world, in which military and economic sources of power are widely distributed. Technologies (e.g., the Internet and rapid means of mass migration) […]

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US-DiGIA: USG Discoverable Information Terrain

June 2017 No Comments

US-DiGIA: Mapping the USG Discoverable Information Terrain. Author | Editor: Bragg, B., Polansky (Pagano), S., & Stevenson, J. (NSI, Inc.). Executive Summary The United States currently faces a complex and dynamic security environment. States are no longer the only critical actors in the international arena; rather, a diverse range of non-state entities also has the […]

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10th Annual SMA Conference – From Control to Influence

June 2017 No Comments

10th Annual SMA Conference – From Control to Influence? A View of—and Vision for—the Future. Author | Editor: Popp, G., Canna, S. & Peterson, N. (NSI, Inc.). Conference Background The Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA) office hosted the 10th Annual SMA Conference on 25-26 April 2017 at Joint Base Andrews. This year’s conference, formally titled “From […]

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How Developments in Brain Science Afford Military Utility

April 2017 No Comments

Speaker: Giordano, J. (Georgetown University Medical Center) & DiEuliis, D. (National Defense University). Date: April 2017.   The use of sarin gas in Syria and the nerve agent VX to assassinate Kim Jong-nam, and ongoing international efforts in dual-use brain science (such as those described in the accompanying papers) prompt renewed interest in the current […]

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Strategic Multi-layer Assessment Report Card

February 2017 No Comments

Strategic Multi-layer Assessment (SMA) Report Card. Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc). Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA) provides planning support to Commands. SMA projects focus on complex operational imperatives requiring multi-agency, multi- disciplinary solutions that are NOT within core Service/Agency competency. SMA solutions and participants are sought across USG and beyond. SMA is accepted and […]

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Learning From the Countries Favorable to ISIL

January 2017 No Comments

Question (R2 #2): In countries where polling shows favorable opinions of ISIL (Syria, Nigeria, Tunisia, Senegal and Malaysia), what does this tell us? What do these countries have in common? What is our best approach to influence/inform? Author | Editor: Steckman, L. (MITRE). The contributors to this Quick Look responded to GEN Votel’s follow-up question, […]

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Part 6 ISIL Support and Recruitment

January 2017 No Comments

SMA CENTCOM Reach-back Reports – Part 6: ISIL Support and Recruitment. Author | Editor: SMA Program Office. This is Part 6 of a 9 part series of SMA Reach back responses to questions posed by USCENTCOM. Each report contains responses to multiple questions grouped by theme. At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), […]

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Demystifying the Gray Zone: Colombia, Libya, Ukraine

January 2017 No Comments

Demystifying Gray Zone Conflict: A Typology of Conflict Dyads and Instruments of Power in Colombia, Libya and Ukraine. Author | Editor: Koven, B. (START). The author of this report is Barnett S. Koven, Senior Researcher at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). Questions about this report should be […]

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