In January 2020, Headquarters U.S. Air Force (HAF), in cooperation with the Joint Staff, requested SMA to address relevant aspects of JROCM 068-19, “Operations in the Information Environment DOTMLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCR). The purpose of this SMA effort was to assess how the Joint Force can most effectively integrate information and influence into its activities across the competition-conflict continuum.

The SMA approach integrated state-of-the-art information and communication theory, best practices from industry and governments (United States, allies, and adversaries), and conducted a net assessment of the strategic balances between the United States and its adversaries in their operations in the information environment (OIE). SMA leveraged contemporary scientific understanding of OIE to create a net assessment process that generated hypotheses regarding US and adversary OIE. These hypotheses were tested with experiments, computational models, and a tabletop exercise (TTX). The combination of background knowledge, hypotheses, and scientific testing produced the findings summarized in an integration report. In addition to the analytic efforts, SMA created knowledge ecosystems around topics of shared interest across the Joint Force through an interactive IIJO speaker series. SMA hosted 21 livestreamed events with over 4,100 total audience members, averaging approximately 216 attendees per event.


NSI, Univ. of MD ICONS, CART, MESA, Intelligent Biology, Frontier Design, George Mason University, TRADOC G-2

The following is the list of reports completed in support of this effort. Reports and events can be accessed via the links provided

*Reports without a link can be requested by emailing from a .mil or .gov email address.

Summary Reports by NSI

Quick Look Reports by NSI and the Media Ecology and Strategic Analysis (MESA) Group

Research Reports

Invited Perspectives from Invited Authors

*Reports without a link can be requested by emailing from a .mil or .gov email address.

SMA held a speaker series to support the IIJO effort. Links to the recorded events, when available, are below: